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Curatorial Rationale

My main focus in the developments of all of these works was the willingness to explore fears that individuals confront and the manner in which they cope with or overcome these fears. In order to explore a variety of fears, I used symbolism of these items that represented these fears and resembled an overcoming of them, in an attempt to grasp the viewer’s attention on a more personal level. The viewer may have a personal connection to the work as it may be a fear that they have and are trying to overcome.

In all of my works, I emphasize the symbolism of certain items in order to depict either the fear involved, the overcoming of the fear, or both. These works collectively help envision a situation where conquering your fears is certainly achievable. For example, in ‘Flamy’, the use of the flames are useful in determining the fear is one of pyrophobia, or fear of fires. I chose to elicit the flames in this manner to demonstrate the destruction that can occur to an individual’s life, thus explaining this fear. The darkish background portrays the darkness that envelopes an individual when in this phase of shock and fear. The use of empty space on the bottom is used to show a sense of achievement, overcoming this fear by presenting itself as a way out. A common aspect that is recurrent throughout all of my works is a figure. The continuous depiction of a figure in the works demonstrates the recipient or the transmitter of these fears. For instance, in ‘Untitled’ the miniature black figure laying on it’s side on top of the tower is the recipient of this fear of heights. I used paper to make a sculpture of a tower with stairs and spikes around. The figure on top is important in emphasizing the risk. This sculpture gives a better understanding to the viewer the emotions that go through an individual's head that is coping with the fears of heights. Similarly, in the work titled ‘Flyyy’, the use of the figure is used to show the possibility of conquering this fear of flying even with the risks in mind. The risk is also symbolized in this work through the falling boxes and spikes on the floor which increases the viewer’s danger sense. However, in ‘Monster’ the figure that is depicted is the antagonist and elicits a sense of fear on the viewer and the audience. Using these specific fears and portraying them through common abstract scenarios that can be envisioned by them essentially simplifies the audience’s understanding of the concept.   

My exhibition is curated and displayed in a chronological order in relation to my concept of fears and the overcoming process. I chose to place the work that demonstrates pure fear on the left in ‘Flamy’. This work was placed on the left as the connection to fear is clearly more evident than any connection to an overcoming of fear. Adjacent to that I placed ‘Monster’ and ‘Fly’. These works are similar in that they both attract the viewer for similar reasons. Both works demonstrate the fear in an evident and simplified manner for the viewer while also, through the use of symbolism of wings, demonstrate the possibility of an overcoming. These two works relate to the quote, “if there is a will there’s a way. ” Adjacent to these works is ‘Overcoming’ as it portrays one saving themselves by conquering their fears. This work goes all the way to the right as it is essentially the end goal correlating to a linear story going left to right. Underneath these works, there is ‘Untitled’ which is a paper sculpture. This is placed below the eyeline of the viewer as it allows for the viewer to get a sort of birds-eye-view of the sculpture, correlating to the fear of heights that is demonstrated. Adjacent to the paper sculpture is ‘Sad Bear’, ‘Music Bear’, and ‘Down Bear’. These artworks are placed next to each other as the figure inside these photographs is constant throughout. The emotions of the figure demonstrated through the actions in the image is significant of those that individuals may feel when trying to conquer and overcome their fears. The viewer will take in the works from the top left and work their way around, but these works are isolated from the others as their intent is to have a strong connection with the viewer and portray the difficulties of overcoming a fear. 

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